Day School: Our Proudest Achievement? Commemorating the 70th Anniversary of the NHS
Bedwellty House, Tredegar, NP22 3XN
Event Date: 07/07/2018
10.00 Welcome and Introduction
10.20 Steve Thompson, Before the NHS: The Mixed Economy of Medical Care in Nineteenth and Twentieth-century Wales
11.10 Natalie Jones, 70 Years of Culture for the NHS: Origin Stories, Olympic Glories and Where We Are Now
12.10 Lunch (tea and coffee will be available but no lunch is provided at this event.)
13.10 Angela Whitecross, The NHS at 70: The Story of our Lives – Creating a public digital archive of NHS history
14.00 Peter Dickson, Commonwealth for Health: Asian GPs in South Wales – The story so far
14.50 Sue Demont, From Localised Necessity to Universal Ideal: Tredegar and Aneurin Bevan
15.40 Closing Remarks
16.00 Finish
To book your free place, please contact:
James Phillips, Llafur Events Secretary, PhillipsJ14 [at]
Or online by clicking here.
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