Llafur was formed in 1970 to promote and popularise the knowledge and study of all aspects of people’s history in Wales.
People’s history is concerned with the history of ordinary people: their work, their politics, their culture and their everyday lives. It is concerned with the experiences and institutions of the working class, and the role of ordinary people in making history. It is the property of everyone, and Llafur, the Welsh People’s History Society, exists to promote the study of the people’s history of Wales.
Membership is open to everyone with an interest in Welsh people’s history. Members include professional and amateur historians, trade unionists, co-operators, students, museum, library and archive staff, workers in the public and private sectors, members of all political parties and none.
The society organises day schools at which topical themes are studied and discussed: from the 1984-5 miners’ strike, the Great War, to the history of the co-operative movement, and holiday resorts.
Llafur Officers

Angela V. John
Deirdre Beddoe
Vice President
Neil Evans
Vice President
Deian Hopkin
Vice President
Merfyn Jones
Vice President
Gaynor Legall
Vice President
Kenneth O. Morgan
Vice President
Dai Smith
Vice President
Siân Rhiannon Williams
Vice President
Siân Williams
Vice President
Ian Rees
Neil Evans
Siân Williams
James Phillips
Events Secretary
Ben Curtis
Rhian Phillips
Membership Secretary
Micaela Panes
Publicity & Engagement Officer
Martin Wright
David Selway
Siân Rhiannon Williams
Welsh-Medium EditorCommittee Members

Alun Burge

Aled Eirug

Georgina Gittins

Marian Gwyn

Darren Macey

Mary MacGregor

Paul O'Leary

Jon Parry

Robert Smith

Colin Thomas

Hywel Vaughan