‘Fields of Praise’: Sport and National Identity

Event Location:
Castle Hotel, The Parade, Neath SA11 1RB

Event Date: 14/09/2019
Event Starts: 14/9/19 10:00 am Event Ends: 14/9/19 02:00 pm


10am                     Welcome and Introductions

10.20am               Martin Johnes  Race, Racism and Eddie Parris: Wales’ First Black International Footballer.

11.20am               Carolyn Hitt  Welsh Sport – Who Do We Think We Are?

12.30pm               Lunch Break  (Tea and coffee will be available, but there will be no lunch provided at this event)

1.15pm                 Darren Macey  Sporting Heroes 1800-2019: Mapping Evolutions in Communal Sporting Identity.

1.50pm                 Closing Remarks and Final Thoughts


To book your free place, please contact:

James Phillips, Llafur Events Secretary,

Email: PhillipsJ14@cardiff.ac.uk

 Or book online at:
