1919: Race Riots & Revolt

Event Location:
Museum of Cardiff The Old Library, The Hayes, Cardiff CF10 1BH

Event Date: 17/04/2020
Event Starts: 17/4/20 10:00 am Event Ends: 17/4/20 03:30 pm

10.30am      Welcome and Introductions

10.40am      Aled Eirug (Morgan Academy: Swansea University):  1919 The Year of Rebellion

11.15am      Gaynor Legall (Chair: The Heritage & Cultural Exchange): Black Citizens of Wales

12.00 pm     Professor John Denham (University of Southampton):  Identity & Class Consciousness

12.45pm      Jamie Baker: (HDA Cardiff):  Wales Race Riots. Institutionalisation of Racism

1.15pm       Tea & Coffee will be provided


To book your free place, please contact: Jamie Baker, Project Co-ordinator

Email:  JamieHDA@gmail.com     Or Eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/1919-race-riots-revolt-tickets-95237522995?aff=ebdssbdestsearch