Volume 8 – Number 3 – 2002

This edition is available free from the Welsh Journals portal hosted by the National Library of Wales: click here

  • 'Drunk and riotous in Pontypridd': women, the police courts and the press in South Wales Coalfield society, 1899-1914
    Deborah James
  • Swimming against the tide: gender, learning and advancement in South Wales, 1900-1939
    Alun Burge
  • 'A status too onerous to bear': Merthyr's struggle for civic survival, 1926-1936
    Ted Rowlands
  • Hospital provision, charity and public responsibility in Edwardian Pontypridd
    Steven Thompson
  • SO Davies and the Government of Wales Bill, 1955
    J. Graham Jones
  • 'Servant of Two Tongues': the demise of TWW
    Jamie Medhurst
  • A 'New History' of the South Wales Coalfield?
    Mike Lieven
  • A comment on 'Working-class culture and the labour movement in the South Wales and the Ruhr coalfields, 1850-2000: a comparison by Stefan Berger
    Nina Fishman
  • Working-class culture and the labour movement in South Wales reconsidered
    Joe England
  • And what should they know of Wales? Why Welsh history needs comparison
    Stefan Berger
Volume 8 – Number 3 – 2002
Volume 8 – Number 3 – 2002

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