Llafur Summer Series 2020 – Episode 4: Crossing the Colour Line: Empire, War and Racial Violence, 1900-1925 

Event Location:

Event Date: 15/08/2020
Event Starts: 15/8/20 11:00 am Event Ends: 15/8/20 12:15 pm

Crossing the Colour Line: Empire, War and Racial Violence, 1900-1925 

Llafur’s online event series continues on Saturday 15th August at 11am with a talk from Neil Evans. This talk focuses on the Cardiff race riots of 1919 but tries to set them in the context of Welsh involvement in the empire, and the changes in the international situation after the collapse of slavery in the Atlantic world.

It will take place via Zoom. You will need to register for the event via Eventbrite using the following link:


Once you have registered, details of the meeting ID and password will be emailed to you.